Friday, April 1, 2011

I need more!!

Yes it's true. Less than three posts ago I said that this blog was started specifically for Mamavation purposes, and at the time it was. Lately though as time goes on I find myself counting the days down to Monday when I can post my next Mamavation Monday post. Well today being Friday, let's just say I have had enough of that tradition. Now not to say that I am throwing Mamavation out the window. That is actually the farthest from the truth. My sistas are quickly becoming a more and more important part of my daily existence. It is just that I got to seriously thinking about the name of this blog.....Family, Faith, and Fitness. Three very important parts of my life. Three parts of my life that I want to blog about. Three parts of my life that I want to share with others. Due to this.....we are expanding. Monday of course will be devoted to Mamavation, but I want to be able to open my heart and my life up to my readers the other six days of the week as well. Whether it be about my husband, my kids, my dog, a particular Bible verse, or even the lady who cut me off in the parking lot at the Piggly Wiggly, I want to be able to share that with whoever is willing to take the time out of their busy day to read it. My Christian heart has told me that even though I am a novice blogger, maybe I can connect with someone out there. Maybe even make a difference in some small but meaningful way. Who knows? Only time will tell right? More to come....soon! Love and hugs! Juli

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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