Monday, August 15, 2011

New Beginnings...

I'm sure by now your all pretty sick of hearing my tell my tale of spending December to June in and out of the hospital. Tell you the truth, I'm pretty sick of hearing it myself. I have to be honest though, I think since I left the hospital I have been using it as a crutch and an excuse to really get away with whatever I pleased. Especially when it came to eating and exercising. You know what I mean, I "can't" work out today.....I just got out of the hospital (even though it's been six weeks since I was discharged). Another favorite of mine lately is the....I can eat that entire pint of Chunky Monkey because after what I went through in the hospital I DESERVE it. ( Sure, I also deserve the cellulite that is spreading across my thighs too!). Well my dear Mamavation sistas, this has to stop to-day! This is a new beginning for me. I know it's not going to go perfectly, especially when you have a family that adores cheese, chocolate, and ice cream, but I realized how much I truly want good health and how much I really need good health. I grew up in an Italian household and food always equaled love and happiness. I ended up being a heavy child and that continued into becoming a heavy adult. Only when I was diagnosed as chronically ill did the weight begun to come off. That was all well and good, but I learned nothing in the process. Nothing about good health, nutrition and exercise. Food was still something that I cherished, it just wasn't making me gain weight at that time. Well that time has passed and that food is now going straight to my hips and I have developed as many of as have, a love/hate relationship that I need to take control of. Just today I was craving Mexican food and knew if I had it the guilt would ensue in my mind about how unhealthy it was. This time though I made a conscious decision that this would not happen so I reached out for help on our beloved twitter. Thanks to our own Leah (bookieboo) giving me some great tips and suggestions I enjoyed guilt free chicken fajitas for the very first time! This is definitely a new beginning for me. I am claiming right now my good health back! Gone are the excuses....I know that some days I may falter, but I also know I can't dwell on this. With a true heartfelt commitment and the great support and knowledge from my Mamavation family there is no way I can fail. Hugs for now, Juli XOXO

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