Saturday, March 19, 2011


Though the jury is still out on if you should make your first post on a brand new blog an introductory post or not, in this case I thought it was the way to go. Reason being, this blog has a very special intent and purpose that I think my readers should know about. This reason has made a positive difference in my life and I thought by making this a specific blog, it may help change someone else's life as well.
Let me explain. I have always loved Social Media. Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. My favorite though has always been twitter. Just something about reading someones thoughts, opinions, suggestions, comments, seconds after they were written is just so totally addicting. It is there I came across all the ladies at Mamavation. This is a group of moms who support each other in countless ways, but at the top of that list is living a healthy lifestyle. Once myself weighing over 250lbs, I was completely drawn to this "sistahood". I have always had a personal passion for living a healthy lifestyle and helping others do exactly the same. I am not perfect and these ladies understand this. We all make mistakes, and I will be the first to admit I am not as slim as I once was after losing the initial 125lbs nine years ago. I am though committed to getting right back there. This time it is all about a lifestyle change, not a diet. To begin my journey I have started this simple yet serious blog. It will allow me to be accountable for however long this may take. The second step in my journey is to announce that I want to be a card carrying member of the Mamavation sistahood....I hope they will accept me. More to come soon. Hugs and Blessings, Juli XOXOXO

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Welcome to Mamavation!! Looking forward to getting to know you and help support you on this journey!

  2. Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you better. Sounds like you know a thing or two about losing weight and I am sure you will be helpful to us as well :)
    If you have any questions along the way, tweet them on out! lol

